The first recipe
It is used to remove chin hair.”
Bring a tablespoon of crushed lupine, boil it in water, filter it and put it in a cup of water, then boil a large spoonful of chamomile and then put it in a cup of water, boil a large spoonful of apostasy in water, then filter it and put it in a cup of water, and put three cups of the previous mixtures in the refrigerator, And it is heated until it is used as a cream, and the whole face is massaged with it for a period of 10 continuous days.
The second recipe
Five grams of Al-Saad herb, fifty grams of Al-Sukran herb, put the two amounts in water and put it on the fire until it boils until the color of the water becomes black and let it cool, then the water is filtered, and two large spoons of the mixture are placed and placed on a Nivea cream box and mixed well, and when the hair is removed, this is applied The cream is applied to the areas from which the hair was removed, and this mixture is applied every day. This recipe also works to reduce sweat and the shine of the legs and hands.
Third recipe
One hundred grams of sukran seeds are ground with one hundred grams of sedge seeds and mixed with water until it becomes a paste that is easy to spread and set aside. Hair is removed from the body by traditional methods, then the paste is applied to the areas from which hair is to be removed and the recipe is left from morning until night, or it can be left on the body for a length of time. Night, and continue this recipe when excess hair is removed from the body, and you will notice good results until the hair disappears completely.