Hello my name is nadia i am from canada i have 32 years .i am looking for a real relationshep with a new peaple from other place in the worl .good luck
Monday, June 10, 2024
Saturday, April 29, 2023
2:18 PM
Removing the rumen after childbirth with sagebrush: Sagebrush contains a lot of anti-inflammatory, so it eliminates bacteria, expels gases and reduces body sweating, and many people use it as a tonic for the nerves and to relieve stomach pain and strengthen nerves and treat digestive disorders, especially during the menstrual cycle, Effective for asthma; So it relieves its symptoms, a cure for weak lungs, and adjusts the level of sugar in the blood. Sagebrush: A teaspoon of sagebrush is taken, added to a cup of boiling water, left to soak for ten minutes, and drunk before eating or before going to sleep. It is preferable to avoid dinner and maintain a healthy diet. Sagebrush and rosemary: A tablespoon of sagebrush, chamomile, and rosemary is taken and mixed together, added to a cup of boiling water, soaked for ten minutes, and drunk on an empty stomach early in the morning and can be sweetened with honey. Cumin: Cumin is a very beneficial herb for the health of the body. It helps greatly to remove the rumen, especially after childbirth. As cumin speeds up the process of digestion, and helps to get rid of gases, colic and constipation, thus preventing the formation of fat in the abdominal area, as cumin gets rid of headaches and relieves it and stomach acidity, and breaks up stones, and is considered a diuretic. Cumin and lemon: Soak some lemon slices in two cups of boiling water, add a spoonful of cumin, leave the drink soaked for a whole night, and drink in the morning on an empty stomach, and it can be sweetened with a spoonful of honey, and it is preferable to drink it daily to get faster results. Cumin and ginger: add a spoonful of cumin, a spoonful of ginger and four leaves of fresh mint to two cups of boiling water, leave to steep for ten minutes, filter and drink a small cup of the drink before meals. Ginger: Ginger is known for its great effectiveness in getting rid of fat, especially in the abdominal area. It is also useful in cases of nausea and stomach cramps, and regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Ginger tea: Ginger tea is made from fresh ginger roots. A spoonful of grated fresh ginger is added to a cup of boiling water, left for ten minutes, sweetened with a spoonful of honey, and drunk on an empty stomach.
Friday, April 28, 2023
Recipes for slimming the rumen
Herbal mixture,
and this mixture is done through the following method:
a glass of water,
1 teaspoon of dried thyme,
1 teaspoon of rosemary,
A teaspoon of dried chamomile.
Method of preparation and use:
The water is boiled in a metal pot on a hot fire, then a quantity of the aforementioned herbs is added to the water, left to boil with the water for 20 minutes, then the mixture is filtered and drunk on an empty stomach daily for a week or more an hour before breakfast, taking care not to exceed the daily dose One cup, and larger quantities can be prepared for the coming days by doubling the ingredients while keeping them in the refrigerator in an airtight container.
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
11:07 AM
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Tuesday, February 7, 2023
7:31 AM
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The first recipe
It is used to remove chin hair.”
Bring a tablespoon of crushed lupine, boil it in water, filter it and put it in a cup of water, then boil a large spoonful of chamomile and then put it in a cup of water, boil a large spoonful of apostasy in water, then filter it and put it in a cup of water, and put three cups of the previous mixtures in the refrigerator, And it is heated until it is used as a cream, and the whole face is massaged with it for a period of 10 continuous days.
The second recipe
Five grams of Al-Saad herb, fifty grams of Al-Sukran herb, put the two amounts in water and put it on the fire until it boils until the color of the water becomes black and let it cool, then the water is filtered, and two large spoons of the mixture are placed and placed on a Nivea cream box and mixed well, and when the hair is removed, this is applied The cream is applied to the areas from which the hair was removed, and this mixture is applied every day. This recipe also works to reduce sweat and the shine of the legs and hands.
Third recipe
One hundred grams of sukran seeds are ground with one hundred grams of sedge seeds and mixed with water until it becomes a paste that is easy to spread and set aside. Hair is removed from the body by traditional methods, then the paste is applied to the areas from which hair is to be removed and the recipe is left from morning until night, or it can be left on the body for a length of time. Night, and continue this recipe when excess hair is removed from the body, and you will notice good results until the hair disappears completely.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
1:16 AM
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Thursday, November 24, 2022
11:38 PM
Female 23 years old Welcome to Provie, thank you for your desire to get to know my name Sama23, a female, and I am 23 years old, and I am currently staying in Morocco, Casa Blanca, and I pray from Morocco. I wanted to get to know men with a normal marriage. Eye color: Bnolon hair: with skin: white / Caucasus, form: synthesis: -weight: -h. Social: Children's divorced: for the profession: -m. Educational: -goal: normal marriage, religion: the tower: the Virgin