Sunday, February 21, 2016

Natural drink comes out toxins from the digestive tract and the body and works on the body burn fat and provides energy and activity, this drink is easy to prepare as it does not contain calories that you can drink any quantity you want.

Mixture components:

Two glasses of cold water

Apple, peeled and cut into small slices
Four sticks of cinnamon
You can add ice as desired

How to prepare :

The method of preparation is very easy and simple, where you place all the ingredients in a glass jug and driven with a spoon and leave it for a few hours and then drink whenever you feel thirsty or wanting to drink a cool drink, he is working on purifying the body of toxins and fat burning and you activate during the day.

You can fill the jug with cold water again without changing apples and cinnamon sticks

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Lose with us some of kilos up to 8kg, with this program, which

First day:

You may eat the amount of fruits best for you, but get out of the rich varieties carbohydrates or fat, such as bananas, avocados, Focus on those rich in water such as watermelon.
the second day:

Is the World Day of vegetables as you can eat the product best for you except potatoes, green vegetables Focus on the enhanced fiber and leafy vegetables in various forms it was raw or boiled.
the third day:

Is a day of mixing, Gather between the allowed foods in the first and second day, taking into consideration the barriers.
the fourth day:

To the success of the diet is the day of the challenge, eat on this day, at least eight pills of bananas with 3 cups of milk, divided according to your desire to daylight hours, but try to avoid as much as possible be dealt with in the evening before going to sleep.
The fifth day:

take starches with a cup of boiled rice steamed at lunch and Sde your hunger in the rest of the day with an unlimited amount of tomatoes.
the sixth day:

Again with a cup of boiled rice for lunch but with a larger amount of vegetables is limited options, and away from the potatoes.
Seventh day:
 Aatmda system itself allowed on the sixth day, but with the addition of two cups of fruit juice for breakfast best for you as lunch.

It should be noted that you have a lot of drinking water per day at a rate of 10 cups for optimum result.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The recipe is given great results to get rid of fat as well as get a good look at soon, because it targets fat therefore their results quickly appear on the external appearance of the body, because the size of a kilo of fat is greater than the size of a kilo muscles much.

The recipe is based on:
1. Reduce appetite.
2. stimulating the body to burn fat.
3- and strengthen immunity.

the recipe :
-1 Cup of boiling water.
2 teaspoon ground cumin.

3. two slices of lemon crust.
4. fourth teaspoon cinnamon.
5. half teaspoon ginger.
6. can be sweetened with honey.

How to use:
1. Mix and leave ten minutes.
2. then drink before eating a third of an hour

Note: Do not boil the mixture "desired cup boiling water and boil the mixture is not"

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Get rid of the rumen in two weeks, eliminate the  rumen in short duration 

To look for a solution to the problem must know their causes and we remember the reasons are and the way the rumen
The large number of fats and sugars intake.
- Laziness, lethargy, excessive sleeping,
Especially sleep immediately after eating.
- Lack of exercise .
- Drinking during eating, whether water or juice.
Weight Loss 5-6 kg .. number of days 14 days
the breakfast
Uniformly on all days
• 3 large glasses of water on an empty stomach.
• cup grapefruit juice or pineapple pieces.
• Choose .. well boiled eggs or 10 spoons "bean" with a little oil and lemon,
• a quarter of a loaf.
• a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.
First day
the lunch
• 2 boiled eggs well.
• spinach dish if you like boiled spinach possible You work dish vegetable soup consisting of "zucchini + carrots + basket + beans."
• a quarter of a loaf of my country.
• tea or coffee without sugar.

• hen "boiled" or "grilled" skinned released.
• Five carrots.
• Five tomato fruits.
• A Grape Fruit before sleep.
the second day
the lunch
• dish fresh fruit salad.
• a quarter of a kilo broiled fish.
• Created a green salad dish of "celery, cucumber, tomato."
• a quarter of a loaf of my country.
• a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.
the third day
the lunch
Fresh fruit salad dish.
• 2 boiled eggs well.
• dish green salad.
• a quarter of a loaf of my country.
• a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.
the fourth day
the lunch
• hen "boiled" or "grilled" skinned released.
• tomato slices.
• After three hours later you can eat the fruit of grapefruit.
• the amount of a quarter of a kilo broiled fish.
• dish green salad.
• A cup of coffee or tea without sugar.
The fifth day
the lunch
• dish fruit salad.
• 2 boiled eggs well.
• tomato slices.
• piece of white cheese.
• Half a loaf of my life.
• a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.
e sixth day
the lunch
• 2 boiled eggs well.
• dish green salad.
• a quarter of a loaf of my life.
• the amount of about a quarter of a kilo of meat grilled.
• dish green salad.
• a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.
the seventh day
the lunch
• 2 boiled egg choise.
• Spinach dish or soup vegetables.
• About a quarter of a kilo broiled fish.
• a quarter of a loaf of my country.
• A Grape Fruit before sleep.
Is to continue on this system for two weeks and then taken from vacation days where everything you eat Trgbe frequentative system then another two weeks with exercise.


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