Thursday, February 11, 2016

The recipe is given great results to get rid of fat as well as get a good look at soon, because it targets fat therefore their results quickly appear on the external appearance of the body, because the size of a kilo of fat is greater than the size of a kilo muscles much.

The recipe is based on:
1. Reduce appetite.
2. stimulating the body to burn fat.
3- and strengthen immunity.

the recipe :
-1 Cup of boiling water.
2 teaspoon ground cumin.

3. two slices of lemon crust.
4. fourth teaspoon cinnamon.
5. half teaspoon ginger.
6. can be sweetened with honey.

How to use:
1. Mix and leave ten minutes.
2. then drink before eating a third of an hour

Note: Do not boil the mixture "desired cup boiling water and boil the mixture is not"


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