Monday, January 27, 2020

Recipes to lose the rumen whole grains
There is a group of whole grains used in weight-loss regimens. They are taken with breakfast by boiling them with milk or grinding and eaten with warm water and honey. They are: quinoa rye wheat bran oats soybean buckwheat
Recipes to lose food rumen

As we mentioned that fruits and vegetables are among the recipes for slimming rumen, which contain vitamin C, and work to burn the accumulated fat, because eating food that contains this vitamin means that you do not depend on the main fats in the body. Among the fruits that may be used: lemon kiwi orange grapefruit cantaloupe papaya strawberry As for vegetables, it is possible to use the following vegetables: red cabbage. Cabbage. sweet potato. Turnip cauliflower red pepper

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Recipes to lose the rumen using fruits
Unsweetened pomegranate drink helps burn fat and lose weight, drink it after basic meals for a week.
 Also read: Health benefits and uses of pomegranate and pomegranate peel and honey Make a paste of crushed pomegranate peel with honey until the dough becomes coherent, and take a piece of it every morning on an empty stomach, and this recipe is also useful in the last three days of the menstrual cycle and the last twenty-one days of postpartum, It helps to clean the uterus.

Apples are fruits rich in fiber and minerals, and they are also low in calories, so it is recommended in dieting apples, because it works to burn the accumulated fat, eat one apple per day, and choose apples to be the star of the dish, you will see the difference yourself.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Recipes for slimming the stomach with drinks
Green tea
 Green tea for belly slimming: Drink 3 cups of green tea and mint a day with one teaspoon of ginger without adding sugar. Also read: Green tea benefits in weight reduction Lemon tea Add a tablespoon of green tea and regular tea with drops of whole lemon juice, soak it in boiling tea and cover it until warm and drink on an empty stomach before breakfast, the lemon works to burn fat. Also read: Diet water and lemon and its amazing weight loss benefits.
 Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is strong in rum
en-slimming recipes, because it works to regulate the body's hormones and increase the body's metabolism, which has a role in burning accumulated fat. Eat a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar on a cup of warm water and include it in all your meals and salads. Also read: The health and cosmetic benefits of apple cider vinegar and its various uses. Tea and mint. You can add a tablespoon of ground mint to a cup of water, one teaspoon and one teaspoon of honey if you want a sweetener. Fenugreek Draining the fenugreek seeds, grinding them, taking half a spoon, pouring boiling water over them and leaving them until warmed with a cup covered or adding milk instead of water. A fenugreek sprinkle of ground can be used in preparing soups and salads, fenugreek adjusts the level of cholesterol in the blood and prevents diseases caused by obesity.
Eve suffers from accumulated fat in the abdominal area or the so-called "rumen", which often occurs due to stretching the abdomen as a result of pregnancy and obesity, which you find difficult to get rid of.

And nutritionist Saeed Metwally presents 7 steps to lose weight in a short period,

- Maintaining breakfast, is the only meal that the body burns throughout the day with the specifications of a healthy breakfast, with a commitment to walking as exercise, even if you go out before your daily date to work a little early and walk until you reach your work.
- Maintaining breakfast, is the only meal that the body burns throughout the day with the specifications of a healthy breakfast, with a commitment to walking as exercise, even if you go out before your daily date to work a little early and walk until you reach your work.
Arrosez fréquemment tout au long de la journée: cela peut conduire à un métabolisme plus actif, quel que soit votre régime alimentaire quotidien. Boire plus d'eau aide également le corps à éliminer les déchets, les toxines et améliore votre santé globale, et vous pouvez boire un verre d'eau près de 8 fois par jour afin de ne pas consommer autant que votre corps en a besoin.

Abstenez-vous des boissons gazeuses, qui réduisent considérablement l'alcool et les boissons sucrées "comme le cola, le pepsi et toutes les boissons diététiques et les boissons gazeuses".

- La pratique de la marche rapide, le sport de la marche est l'un des exercices faciles que vous pouvez faire tous les jours de la même manière, son effet est très efficace plus que vous ne vous attendez à perdre de la graisse dans la région abdominale, vous devez maintenir la marche sportive quotidiennement et au moins 3 fois par semaine, par exemple les lundi, mercredi et vendredi.

- Faire des exercices d'estomac, les exercices d'estomac sont parmi les meilleurs exercices d'abdominoplastie sur une courte période en vous allongeant sur le dos puis en soulevant la moitié supérieure. Vous revenez à la première position comme l'image environ 15 fois et ré-exercez 4 fois jusqu'à ce que vous vous sentiez fatigué. Vous pouvez faire cet exercice quotidiennement.

- Suivez le régime de la minceur abdominale: Les recettes et les méthodes de régime pour la minceur abdominale rapide sont concentrées avec des boissons naturelles qui fonctionnent pour brûler les graisses dans la zone abdominale et ainsi réduire son poids, et ce faisant en assurant un système équilibré de boissons qui contribuent radicalement au travail du système de minceur abdominal.

- Pour réduire les calories, vous devez réduire les calories que vous mangez quotidiennement et rechercher un groupe d'aliments que vous pouvez manger et vous sentir rassasié avec quelques calories, y compris les pommes.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Some women suffer from significant weight gain in their bodies with the inability to lose weight and consequently expose them to several health problems, including back pain.

Dr. Samar Al-Amriti, she is a nutrition specialist provided but a magic formula of natural ingredients helps to lose weight easily. The beautiful thing about this recipe is that it is simple and easy, its materials are available simply as it has distinct benefits including:

Burning body fat quickly.

Reducing appetite and working to fill.

A cup of boiling water.
Two slices of lemon with its peel.
a teaspoon of gound cumin.
A quarter of a tablespoon of cinnamon.
A teaspoon of ground ginger.

Boil the water alone, then add all the ingredients to the boiling water and leave the mixture for ten minutes.
Drink the mixture before eating a third of nearly an hour.

Advice: You can sweeten the mixture with a little honey if you like. For a pregnant woman, it is preferable not to drink the drink without consulting a doctor because the herbs sometimes can give a negative reflection on the pregnant woman.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The diet of belly rumen

1- Standard breakfast during the 14 days

- 3 glasses of water on an empty stomach
- Piece of bread
- A piece of Quraish cheese or 10 beans spoons with a little oil and lemon or a boiled egg
1 pineapple or a cup of grapefruit juice
- A cup of coffee or tea without adding sugar, preferably separated from breakfast for about two hours

First day

the lunch:
- A quarter of a loaf of bread
- Two hard boiled eggs
- A vegetable soup dish made up of carrots, beans, peas, zucchini or spinach
- A cup of tea or coffee without adding sugar

the Dinner:
Grilled chicken breast without skin or boiled
- 5 fruits of tomato
- 5 carrots
It is possible to eat a fruit grapefruit before bed

the second day

the lunch:
- A plate of fresh fruit salad

the Dinner:
A quarter of a loaf
1/4 kilo of grilled fish
Salad Platter Made With Tomato, Cucumber, And Celery
A cup of coffee or tea without adding sugar

the third day

the lunch:
- A plate of fresh fruit salad

the Dinner:
- A quarter of my loaf of bread
- Two hard boiled eggs
Green Salad Platter
A cup of coffee or tea without adding sugar

the fourth day

the lunch:
Grilled or boiled chicken breast as desired, but without skin
- Tomato slices
- Grapefruit can be eaten as a snack between lunch and dinner

the Dinner:
1/4 kilo grilled fish
Green Salad Platter
A cup of tea or coffee without sugar

The fifth day

the lunch:
- A plate of fresh fruit salad

the Dinner:
Half a loaf of bread
- 2 boiled eggs
A piece of Quraish cheese
- Tomato slices
A cup of coffee or tea without adding sugar

the sixth day

the lunch:
A quarter of a loaf
- 2 boiled eggs
Green Salad Platter

the Dinner:
1/4 kg roasted or boiled meat
Green Salad Platter
- A cup of coffee or tea without sugar

the seventh day

the lunch:
- 2 boiled eggs
- A dish of spinach or vegetable soup made of zucchini, peas, beans and carrots, as desired

the Dinner:
A quarter of a loaf of bread
1/4 kilo grilled fish
- Grapefruit for sweetening, preferably at bedtime

The special diet repeats the diet diet for another week of 14 days. This diet is intended for burning accumulated fat in the rumen and around the waist and for stretching the abdomen and hip, and it also helps in losing weight by about 5 kilograms to 6 in a period not exceeding two weeks.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Dieting eggs for losing more than five kilograms in two weeks
It is not hidden to everyone the multiple benefits of eggs, as it is a rich source of protein, as it contains the substance "niacin" needed to nourish the brain and the formation of sexual hormones, and choline that improves memory and helps filter blood, and it is also rich in vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2 , B6, B12, as well as biotin, niacin, folic acid, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, iodine, and many other beneficial nutrients so eggs represent an integrated and balanced meal for the body and it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. We offer you a lady diet in two weeks to get rid of extra weight.
With regard to the way to prepare eggs, you have the choice, whether by boiling it or frying it, or any other method that you like my lady, just do not multiply the spices and oils when cooking.

Breakfast is the same: pieces of lemon, two eggs, a small slice of bread, light black coffee and sugar.
Lunch: two eggs, tomato, herbal tea.
Dinner: two eggs, salad without oil, herbal tea.
Lunch: two eggs, lemon “pamplemousse”
Dinner: 150 to 200 grams of lean meat, green salad of tomato, lettuce, cucumber, celery.
Lunch: two eggs, spinach, tea.
Dinner: two eggs, a wire of white cheese, cabbage and herbs tanasim.
Lunch: two eggs, spinach, coffee.
Dinner: 200 grams of fish, green salad and coffee.
Lunch: two eggs, spinach, coffee.
Dinner: 200 grams of fish, green salad of cucumber, cabbage, tomato, a cup of herbal tea.
Lunch: fruit salad.
Dinner: 150 to 200 grams of ground meat, green salad of celery, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and a cup of herbal tea.
Lunch: 150 to 200 grams of chicken meat without fat, tomato. Orange juice
Dinner: 150 to 200 grams of chicken meat without fat, mixed vegetable salad of tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, herbal tea.
To lose weight, many girls seek for them and try many harsh diet programs that fail in the end, which increases the degree of frustration that drives them to leave the healthy diet and the trend to eat again, which increases weight. Fat stored in the body with the need to follow a healthy diet program to lose excess weight and you will see the result quickly:
Magic mixture to lose weight quickly
the ingredients :
- Three grains of fresh orange
- 4 grains of lemon
- One tablespoon of bee honey

How to prepare the recipe:
Lemon and orange cut into pieces and then placed in a liter of water on low heat for 20 minutes, then add honey and leave for another 5 minutes.
Drain the mixture and drink it five minutes before each meal, and you will feel the difference


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