Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The diet of belly rumen

1- Standard breakfast during the 14 days

- 3 glasses of water on an empty stomach
- Piece of bread
- A piece of Quraish cheese or 10 beans spoons with a little oil and lemon or a boiled egg
1 pineapple or a cup of grapefruit juice
- A cup of coffee or tea without adding sugar, preferably separated from breakfast for about two hours

First day

the lunch:
- A quarter of a loaf of bread
- Two hard boiled eggs
- A vegetable soup dish made up of carrots, beans, peas, zucchini or spinach
- A cup of tea or coffee without adding sugar

the Dinner:
Grilled chicken breast without skin or boiled
- 5 fruits of tomato
- 5 carrots
It is possible to eat a fruit grapefruit before bed

the second day

the lunch:
- A plate of fresh fruit salad

the Dinner:
A quarter of a loaf
1/4 kilo of grilled fish
Salad Platter Made With Tomato, Cucumber, And Celery
A cup of coffee or tea without adding sugar

the third day

the lunch:
- A plate of fresh fruit salad

the Dinner:
- A quarter of my loaf of bread
- Two hard boiled eggs
Green Salad Platter
A cup of coffee or tea without adding sugar

the fourth day

the lunch:
Grilled or boiled chicken breast as desired, but without skin
- Tomato slices
- Grapefruit can be eaten as a snack between lunch and dinner

the Dinner:
1/4 kilo grilled fish
Green Salad Platter
A cup of tea or coffee without sugar

The fifth day

the lunch:
- A plate of fresh fruit salad

the Dinner:
Half a loaf of bread
- 2 boiled eggs
A piece of Quraish cheese
- Tomato slices
A cup of coffee or tea without adding sugar

the sixth day

the lunch:
A quarter of a loaf
- 2 boiled eggs
Green Salad Platter

the Dinner:
1/4 kg roasted or boiled meat
Green Salad Platter
- A cup of coffee or tea without sugar

the seventh day

the lunch:
- 2 boiled eggs
- A dish of spinach or vegetable soup made of zucchini, peas, beans and carrots, as desired

the Dinner:
A quarter of a loaf of bread
1/4 kilo grilled fish
- Grapefruit for sweetening, preferably at bedtime

The special diet repeats the diet diet for another week of 14 days. This diet is intended for burning accumulated fat in the rumen and around the waist and for stretching the abdomen and hip, and it also helps in losing weight by about 5 kilograms to 6 in a period not exceeding two weeks.


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